Thursday 6 June 2024

Changes I had to make during my storyboard during production

When I was filming my short film, one thing that had occurred was that I was not able to control all of the screens I had wanted. This is because the computers had only allowed me to use my login for only 3 computers. When I had tried to login into other computers it wasn't allowing me to do so. This had impacted my storyboard and for that reason I had to change the amount of screens I had wanted to use in my final draft. These are shown in the images below.

Another change I had to make was the ending of my short film. Instead of the actors looking at each other, the feedback I had gotten from my teacher influenced the ending of the short film. Due to me liking the idea the teacher had told me, I had to change my ending which changed the storyboard. This is shown in the pictures below.

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Production Week 13