Monday 10 June 2024

Post production tools

When I was editing my first and final edits, one tool that I had used was the trimming tool. This was because the beginning of the clips used was not necessary. This is why I was able to use the trimming tool to ensure that I was able to use the portion of the clip I had needed. This is shown in the picture below:

Another technique that I had used in my edits was the use of adding in different sound tracks. This was because I had wanted to build on suspense and be able to introduce the film. In order for me to use this, I was able to insert all of the tracks I had needed by dragging them in. This had allowed me to place them where I had needed to. This is shown in the picture below:

Another editing tool that I had used in my short film was eliminating the sound in some of the video clips. This was because in those clips, there was recorded audio that was not needed in my drafts as I was able to put in my own audio. This is shown in the clips below:

Another editing tool that I had to use in my edits was changing the colour correction. This was because some of the scenes were too bright and I needed to adjust them. I did this by dragging and changing the colour correction to make it suit my short film. This is shown in the pictures below:

Finally another editing tool I had used in my edits was adding in gifs for making the hacking parts more realistic. I had done this by inserting the picture from the computer and therefore moving it to where I needed to. This is shown in the picture below:

Export format

When I had finished off my final edit, I had to export the format and upload it onto YouTube. The format I had chosen to upload my video was as a .mov file. I chose the Apple ProRes codec as it preserves as much quality as possible. Compared to H.264 which compresses the footage. I chose to export it as a 4K video due to the footage being shot in 4K. 

Thursday 6 June 2024

Changes I had to make during my storyboard during production

When I was filming my short film, one thing that had occurred was that I was not able to control all of the screens I had wanted. This is because the computers had only allowed me to use my login for only 3 computers. When I had tried to login into other computers it wasn't allowing me to do so. This had impacted my storyboard and for that reason I had to change the amount of screens I had wanted to use in my final draft. These are shown in the images below.

Another change I had to make was the ending of my short film. Instead of the actors looking at each other, the feedback I had gotten from my teacher influenced the ending of the short film. Due to me liking the idea the teacher had told me, I had to change my ending which changed the storyboard. This is shown in the pictures below.

Production Week 13