Sunday 4 February 2024

Conventions of 3 short films

 The present - Animation

One convention that is identified in the short film "The present" is the mise-en-scene. In the screen grab we can see that there is props. The props are a box, ball, controller and TV. However at 00:51 shows the kid curious about the box and what could be inside of it. This denotes the owner as the box has got his attention. The director has used that convention to show that there is excitement being built and is creating suspense. The viewer here is full of suspense as they want to find out what is in the box. 

Another convention that is shown in the short film is the setting. In the screen grab we can see that the setting of the short film is in the living room of the house. The setting is used all throughout the film. This denotes that the kid is very glued to the TV and wants to play games. The impact the director has built for the viewer is that it is presenting that the kid is loving video games and wants to stay indoors. 

Another convention that is shown in the short film is the lighting. In the screen grab we can see that there is a change in the lighting from 00:34 to 00:36. This denotes that the place was dark and has now become more lighter as the mother has opened the curtains. This shows that the director has shown the impact of lighting in the short film. The viewer can see later on the impact on what the kid is experiencing as his eyes are reacting to the light at 00:40. 

Another convention that is used in the short film is the graphics. The graphics in the short film is the animation. In the screen grab, we can see that the short film is animation. The graphics are colourful and denote the type of film the director is trying to portray. The director is trying to show to the viewers that this film is for kids and that they should be able to understand what message the director is trying to present. 

Finally another convention that is used in the short film is the camera angles. There are a variety of camera angles that is used within the short film to try and portray what is happening in the film. In the screen grab we can see that the director is trying to enhance the narrative and try and show different elements of the short film. 

Good morning - Comedy

One convention that is identified in the short film is the sound. In the video, we can see that the sound is trying to show off the creepiness of the short film. However at there are other sounds in the short film. This denotes the normalisation of what the character is trying to do. The director has used this convention to try and create suspense in the film. The viewer would be laughing but confused about what is happening as they don't know what is causing this mysterious mystery.  

Another convention that is identified in the short film is the use of the camera. In the screen grab we can see that the director is showcasing different angles of the short film. The director has used this convention to show and denote to the viewer what needs to be focussed on throughout the film. This makes the viewer focus on what the director wants them to focus on. 

Another convention that is identified in the short film is mise-en-scene. In the screen grab we can see that the character is using a tooth brush. This denotes the character using the tooth brush to brush his teeth. The director has used that convention to show and present to the viewer that the character is using props to represent his usual routine when he is waking up in the morning. 

Another convention that is identified in the short film is the settings. In the screen grab we can see that there are 2 scenes that the character is in; his bedroom and bathroom. This denotes the setting that the character is in. The director has used that convention to show where the short film is taking place. The viewer can understand that this short film is based in a man's apartment. 

Finally convention that is identified in the short film is the character. In the screen grab we can see there are many of versions of the same character. This denotes that there are multiple characters who are laughing behind the main version of the character's back. The director has used that convention to show to the viewer the comedy of the short film.  

Money box - Drama

One convention that is identified in the short film is settings. In the screen grab we can see that it was in outside at a vending machine. This denotes that the main character is walking up to a machine. The director has used that convention to show the viewer where the short film is going to take place.  

Another convention that is identified in the short film is mise-en-scene. In the screen grab we can see that the props used is cash. This denotes the character is using cash to purchase a bottle of drink. The director has used that convention to show the different aspects of mise-en-scene to the viewer. 

Another convention that is identified in the short film is the sound. In the video at 02:19, we can see that the sounds that have been denoted so that the money going in the machine. The director has used that convention to show different sounds to be shown to the viewer. 

Another convention that is identified in the short film camera angles In the screen grab we can see there is a zoom of the main character. This denotes the excitement the the director wants to show to the viewer. 

Finally convention that is identified in the short film is the narrative. In the screen grab we can see the beginning, middle and end of the short film. This denotes to the audience that there is a specific narrative that the director is trying to portray in by using this convention. 

Production Week 13